Richard Golding
The Pleiades/System F6 project

I worked on the Virtual Mission Bus, which was a software environment for high-assurance, realtime systems. It was used in the Pleiades/DARPA System F6 program.
For more information on the DARPA System F6 program:
(html) The DARPA/TTO program web site.
(html) Wikipedia article on the program.
(html) Space Review article on System F6.
(html) Aviation Week short article on the program.
(pdf) AIAA/Aerospace America article on the program.
(html) Selected presentations from the 2006 DARPA Fractionated Spacecraft workshop.
For more information on Pleiades:
(pdf) David M. LoBosco, Glen E. Cameron, Richard A. Golding, and Theodore M. Wong. The Pleiades fractionated space system architecture and the future of national security space. AIAA Space 2008 Conference, San Diego, CA, Sep 2008.
For more information on the technologies in the Virtual Mission Bus:
(pdf) Theodore M. Wong, Richard A. Golding, Harvey M. Ruback, Wilfred Plouffe, and Scott A. Brandt. The Virtual Mission Bus. IBM Almaden Research Report RJ10472, September 2010.
(pdf) Richard A. Golding and Theodore M. Wong. Walking toward moving goalposts: agile management for evolving systems. First Workshop on Hot Topics in Autonomic Computing (HotAC), June 2006. Also presentation slides.